Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Painting begins - at last...

So, a quick update... The plastering inside is almost done now, I'd say by the end of this week it will be done. Also - painting the exterior has begun as the exterior plaster work was FINALLY finished early this week. Only problem is that the painter got the wrong colour for the Axon panelling - instead of our dark chocolate brown, he painted it an insipid light fawn colour - ewwwww! Well, that's being fixed (not at our cost!).

Also - we took to the outdoor parts on the weekend. While I mowed the lawn (weeds), Kane got into the waders and like a sexy wader wearing person, he had a go at cleaning out the weed from the pond. What fun :-)

All suited up with somewhere to go

Oooo! It's cold!

And mushy!

I was soooo waiting for that to let go and Kane to topple back...

Good to see so many workers on site - not so good to see the wrong colours!

Funny how the last deck to go into the plans is the first built...

It even has a retaining wall

The grey on the soffits loos good though

And here's the top of the door and the Axon painted the wrong colour

1 comment:

  1. Aww. Ya made it all murky for the fish.
    There are fish, aren't there?
    Yer gonna need some fish to keep the flying bugs down.
    Skeeters and the like, that most people don't like.
    The place is looking good.
