Friday, February 22, 2013

The big one...

Ok - it's finally time for the BIG POST - the completed house (well - mostly).

We have been living here since the 20th of December and it's taken this long to get things pretty much into shape! Anyway - here you go - LOTS of pics...

The Gray Bedroom

The Blue Bedroom

The Orange (main) Bathroom

The Burgundy (master) Bedroom

The Lime Bathroom (en-suite)

Pete's Office (mess)

The BLUE Bathroom

The hallway

The TV Room

The TV Room

The Aquarium (Living Room)

The Dining Area

The Booze Cabnet :-)

The AV cabinet and stairs

The View from the Aquarium

The main deck

The main deck

The main deck

The Aquarium from the main deck
The Kitchen
The living space
The Kitchen

The small deck

The small deck

The herb garden :-)

The single garage

The Games room (aka Kane's mancave)

The Laundry

The double garage

The house!

The house again

The completed house

The beginnings of landscaping

The master bedroom deck


  1. Holy shit, it looks great! Congratulations.

  2. (FlogSplort wouldn't "verify" my LJ username, so this is wobblerlorri)

    That's beautiful!! I'll take the blue bedroom, thanks... Y'all worked hard for it, and it's just astoundingly perfect.

  3. My LJ ID was not verifed, either. It's morty_baby

    I want to live in the blue bathroom! And part time on the ATV bombing up and down some mountains. Hey, how come you have 2 lawnmowers, hmm? Looks like you don't need any ;)

    Beautiful home!

  4. It looks great, Kane! Hope we will have a chance to visit your home in the future... :-)

    Hugs from cold, cold Norway

  5. How about a floor plan, so we can see how all the rooms connect with one another?

    (This is Ace... blogspot doesn't like any of my logins.)

  6. Omg!!! That view. The house is pretty sweet too!
