Tuesday, October 2, 2012

So - that's how you wanna play it huh?

Well, here's a few more pics from the weekend - Back to our regularly scheduled updates now that I'm back from overseas...

For someone who doesn't like to be in the pics - he sure seems to get in a lot!

Still not done... :-(

But there's real live plumbing under the house too!

And here's the progressive shot from the gate post. Check this one really carefully...


  1. I can see it already
    God, you two have a beautiful home.
    I guess that's the tipping point in home construction.
    When the walls (exterior and/or interior) are wrapped,
    and the windows(sliding glass doors) are in and sealed,
    the place looks like a home.
    Real pretty, Guys.
    I love you guys.


  2. Well, the exterior still has a ways to go, the brown paper/wire-mesh stuff is still to be covered in a concrete stucco stuff, and the interior is still see-through :-) But it is getting much closer now and really beginning to feel like a real house bit by bit.

    Thanks for the lovely comment, Kevin!

  3. Replies
    1. Doesn't Waldo look grand in the moonlight?

      Pete is SO going to get it...
