Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I see windows!

Well, as promised - windows started going in yesterday... here's the evidence.

View from bedroom 2 - with glass in the way!

Windows going in - not necessarily with glass in all yet...

And the other side...

Guest bathroom even has privacy.


  1. *sigh* Dontcha love it when they manage to finish the shell of your new house just in time for Autumn ... in the Northern Hemisphere?!? ;)

    So, Kane, in your case, was it:
    (A) Abnormally cold & wet winter weather for your part of the North Island?
    (B) A primary contractor and/or architect who doesn't believe that normal winter weather applies to them?
    (C) They *were* trying to get the shell finished by winter, but ran into delays that put them 4-6 months behind?
    (D) You told your architect & contractors to just go for it, and whatever the weather does, so be it!

    1. Heh... it was quite a wet Winter this year, but having said that they managed to get all the foundation work done before the weather turned to crap. It is just the last month where they haven't been working very fast. It's only just picked up again.

      But to be fair they only started the build back in March/April. It took a few months to get various tests and paperwork done prior to any building actually happening.

      Should be in by exmess time though, which will be good :-)

      Now you know the view you'll have when you and your husband come to stay with us sometime!
