Monday, June 25, 2012

Overdue update...

Well, travel, work and weather have impacted updates in the last couple of weeks - but here's the latest :-)

Last weekend the building paper started to go on

Last Tuesday roof framing began

Roof framing underway

Almost a house!

Kane is a statue in the statuary

All we need now is the garage doors...

Ok - so just finish it already!


  1. Kane forgot to pull off that jacket.
    If he can rub snow on his chest for the camera,
    then enquiring minds want more !
    Maybe just a loincloth.
    Just a suggestion.
    BTY good progress on the dream home.
    I'm a bit jealous.
    All my backyard looks onto is an alley.
    Hugs to you both.

    1. Heh, I wouldn't want to subject anyone to the hideousness that is my pale, bloated, hairy self, but thank you for the suggestion! :-)

      We're both looking forward to seeing the completed project it has to be said.
